Well the walks / jogs etc are going well. Different people tag along on the different days that suit them. Most do the Tuesday and Thursday short walks. Hopefully as the days get longer and better we will take some of the more scenic routes and get away from walking/jogging on the bypass. The longer walks like Derryheen and Knockfad circuits are at the moment left to Sundays (daylight etc) Its always good to set a target / goal so we set it at 1000km for 2014. Should be easily achievable. We are at 125km end of Feb. Regardless of that target people do set their own goals they'd like to achieve, so do come along and set your own goals. There is plenty of encouragement and motivation along the way. Come the summer months we may branch out and try some walks further away like the Cavan Way, Croke Patrick etc, were open to suggestions.